57% Favor Immediate Troop Withdrawal or Firm DeadlineJust 29% Believe Troop Surge Worked
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Fifty-seven percent (57%) of American voters now favor either an immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq (37%) or a firm deadline for their withdrawal (20%). The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 35% of voters are opposed to both of these options for ending the war. Yesterday, the House of Representatives narrowly passed a bill mandating a troop withdrawal to begin by October 1. The legislation’s goal is to end all U.S. involvement by March 2008. The Bill is expected to pass the Senate setting up a confrontation with the White House which has promised a Presidential veto.
The number of Americans favoring immediate withdrawal has increased nine percentage points since November. On the eve of Election 2006, just 28% favored bringing home the troops right away.
Overall, 80% of voters say they are following news stories about this debate closely, including 46% who are following it Very Closely.
This issue establishes one of the clearest partisan divides among the general population. Most Democrats (54%) favor immediate troop withdrawal while another 24% in Nancy Pelosi’s party favor a firm timetable for withdrawal. Just 16% of Democrats are opposed to both options.
Among the GOP, just 17% favor immediate withdrawal and another 15% favor a timetable. Most Republicans (57%) oppose both restrictions on the War effort.
Underlying these attitudes is pessimism about the War itself. Just 29% of American voters believe the troop surge launched earlier this year has made things better in Iraq. Twice as many, 61%, believe the surge has either made things worse (43%) or had no impact (18%). A separate survey found that just 33% believe history will judge the U.S. mission in Iraq a success. Fifty percent (50%) believe it will be viewed as a failure.
Even Republicans are not convinced–just 52% of those in the President’s Party believe the surge has made things better. Only 12% of Democrats and 26% of those not affiliated with either major party share that optimistic assessment. Sixty-four percent (64%) of Democrats believe the surge has made things worse, a view shared by 41% of the unaffiliated.
Arizona Senator John McCain (R), the Presidential hopeful most closely identified with the troop surge, has seen his favorability ratings fall to their lowest level in recent years.
President Bush’s Job Approval ratings remain low, largely due to the situation in Iraq.
Rasmussen Reports has released several recent updates on the War in Iraq including:
- February 2: 55% Favor Firm Timetable for Withdrawal
- January 15: 94% think that troops will still be in Iraq when next President takes office
- January 10: Most Oppose Bush Plan for More Troops in Iraq
- December 6: 64% Favor Removing U.S. Troops from Iraq
- November 12: 28% Want Troops Brought Home Immediately