The Resolutions Committee of the State Democratic Party just approved a substitute resolution to support the construction of an extension of the 241 Toll road only if the extension does not cut through State park land unless there is mitigation to replace any lost park lands.
The proposed extension cuts through San Onofre State Park.
Basicly, we had a debate between to Environmental and labor caucuses over whether jobs trump environment or vice-versa. The compromise hasn’t really made any of these two groups happy, but then again, compromise resolutions rarely have a different result.
“THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the California Democratic Party opposes the current proposed alignment of the Foothill-South extension through San Onofre State Park; that the CA Democratic Party opposes any roadway through San Onofre State Park unless there is significant enough mitigation that a consensus of support for the project would exist with local elected officials, the State Coastal Commission and local environmental groups.”
Live from The California State Democratic Party in San Diego,
Chris Prevatt
I’ve lived in South Orange County all of my life. Every time a new major road needs to be built to address traffic concerns the same kind of ridiculous three ring legal circus ensues. Once the residents are in place it’s too late to decide to not build a previously planned road. If the infrastructure is not sufficient for the population then we have the county and cities to blame. If a park or wilderness area needs to be preserved then that should be taken into consideration BEFORE new homes are built.