The never-ending game of musical chairs of OC Politics


Van TranJanet NguyenVan TranJanet Nguyen
Brain from Calitics just posted about an article in the Capitol Morning Report (subscribers only) that says that the California Chamber of Commerce has endorsed Janet Nguyen in a run (that she hasn’t officially announced she was making) for Van Tran’s Assembly Seat (AD 68). 

From the Capitol Morning Report:

CalChamber reports endorsing Republican  Janet Nguyen for the AD 68 Primary Election. Nguyen is a Garden Grove City Council member and seeks to replace fellow Republican Van Tran who is not termed out until 2010.

Van Tran is in the middle of his second 2-year term, he will be on the Republican Primary ballot in June 2008 and in the General in November 2008.  Could the Board of Supervisors seat already be too small for Janet Nguyen?

This isn’t the last we’ve heard of this story.

 UPDATE: It looks like this is a case of a very bizarre “technical glitch.”  According to the Orange County Register’s Brian Joseph:

I spoke with the folks at CMR who told me they just recently received an official-looking CalChamber press release dated February 2007 endorsing Nguyen. They thought it was strange it was dated two months ago, but it was on official letter head. (The release described Nguyen as a Garden Grove City Councilwoman, which, in February would have been correct. She wasn’t sworn in until March.)But Vince Sollito, spokesman for the chamber, said the press release actually contains text from last year, when it looked like Tran was going to run for the state Senate and Nguyen had announced her intent to run for his seat. Tran, of course, changed his mind and decided to run for re-election, forcing Nguyen to back out. (Incidentally, Nguyen’s early move to run for Tran’s seat is thought to be the beginning of his estrangement from his former protégé.)

“I’m not sure what happened there,” Sollitto told me, adding he suspects it may have been some sort of “technical glitch” on the chambers end. The CMR has since pulled the entry.

Oh, what could have been.