Good Friday. Looking on the Bright Side of Life!

Matt Cunningham at Red County/OC Blog posted on Friday how he was taking the rest of the day off in recognition of Good Friday.  People do recognize Easter in a variety of ways, be it the ritual of the “Stations of the Cross,” Easter Egg Hunts, Passover, or just sitting down and munching on Cadbury Creme Eggs.

I spent Good Friday evening with some friends, having dinner, and watching our annual screening of Monty Python’s “Life of Brian.”

[ev type=”youtube” data=”pCWw6W5NEa8″][/ev]

No matter what your beliefs, remember to always look on the briight side of life.

Happy Easter!


I couldn’t resist adding the link to the following Video from

Bringing Jesus’ story to life

Parishioners at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church in Santa Ana celebrated Good Friday with a biblical representation of Jesus’ last hours.






  1. Hooray!

    Thank you for your post. We had a great time last night as well. So glad to have celebrated with you.


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