I was at a 7-11 today in Garden Grove, and there was this really beautiful woman holding a Nguoi Viet newspaper. I started browsing the headlines (all in Vietnamese) and looking at the photos on the front page.
And I saw a familiar face:
It’s former Assembly candidate in the 68th, Paul Lucas.
The newspaper is completely in Vietnamese, so I called Lucas to ask him what it was that he was protesting, Paul told me that there was a rally in support for a Vietnamese Catholic priest that was getting persecuted by the Communist Vietnamese government. If anyone can find me an English version regarding this protest, I’d be thankful.
A beautiful woman at 7-11 in GG? Was she staring at you? Did she look strangely familiar?
Did she have abnormally large hands and feet? An adam’s apple?
As for the photo, are you totally certain that Paul wasn’t photoshopped into the protest by some overzealous anonymous campaign intern?
Publis are you hanging out in 7-11 dressed in drag again?