Nguyen vs. Nguyen: Team Janet ahead by 3 votes

H/T to Matt over at Red County/OCBlog.  He brought us the live play by play coverage that no one else could. Great Job Matt! Wish I could have been there to see it in person.       

Here are the links to his posts.  We’re back to court on Monday and Judge Brenner indicated that there will be a decision on Monday.

“I can guarantee you you’ll go home on Monday with the court’s decision.”

Back In Court Monday; Janet Nguyen Up By 3 Votes

Back From Recess

Team Trung Making No Headway In Reversing ROV Rulings

Back In The Courtroom

UPDATE: Here are the links to the OCRegister and LATimes coverage on Saturday

1st District Supervisor Race To Be Decided Monday — OCRegister

O.C. recount tightens; ruling due Monday – LATimes

One of Mike Schroeder’s arguments is that the Registrar did not complete the recount because he did not conduct the recount using the Voter-Verified Paper Audit Trails of the electronic ballots cast.  We all know that Mike is a big muckey-muck in the OCGOP and that Van Tran is the real force behind Trung Nguyen. 

What some people may not know is that the entire OC Republican delegation to the Assembly voted against the legislation, SB370, that established the requirement for paper audit trails(AVVPAT).  That’s right, Tran, Spitzer, Daucher, Huff, DeVore, Walters, and Harman all voted no.  Tran and Daucher even endorsed Trung Nguyen.  I thought these idiots claimed that the electronic voting equipment was just fine and did not need paper audit trails. 

You’ve gotta love Republican logic.

AVVPAT’s are only needed when their favored candidate loses an election.