UDATE: The candidates are stating their arguments to the Board of Supervisors this morning as to whether Janet Nguyen should be sworn in today as the new First District Supervisor. Oh the madness, oh the insanity.
Stay tuned… More to come.
The Board succumbs to the Dark Side of the Force (Schroder), so the 1st District doses without a new Supervisor until next week, Tuesday March 6th.
The votes have been counted and Janet Nguyen has overcome Trung Nguyen’s initial 7 vote lead during the recount of votes in the 1st District Special Election for Orange County Supervisor. This Photoshop Finish will most likely end up in court, but for now the final certified count has Janet Nguyen defeating Trung Nguyen by 7 votes.
I guess Phil Paule was right in his post of January 30th on Red County/OCBlog.
“The one thing that I can say with 100% confidence is that the only way Trung will get to the 5th floor is with the help of Photoshop.â€Â
I cant get enough of that Photoshop job of Trung’s head poking out around the corner of the Hall of Administration Building. Its hilarious.
Your post is a bit premature, Chris. Things are happening down here at the ROV.
Matt, Maybe a littlr premature, but I think I covered by sayiing this will end up in court.
Oh, Chris! You make me laugh. And I certainly prefer your Photoshopped images than Trung Nguyen’s.
: )
Trung wants to sue Janet for stealing his win.
Matt —
Premature, as in the Miss Cleo press release issued by Trung’s camp.
No matter who wins, best of luck to those trying to hold on to the seat in 2008.
Premature? Whatever. You GOP machine types are having a rough year!
Congrats to Janet!
Trung should not be worrying. He already got a job waiting for him at the print shop that helped Tan Nguyen sending out warning letters to Latino voters last November.
I can’t wait to see Janet drops her GOP shell!