Because of other stories, I wasn’t able to follow up on this recent report from Martin Wisckol over at Total Buzz regarding the 1SD recount and the latest Press Release from the Court of Trung Nguyen. You can read the entire release in Marty’s piece, but here is my favorite section:
So who is paying for Janet’s attempt to disenfranchise voters?
To answer that, we have to look at who would benefit most from a protracted court battle over the election results. It is pretty clear Janet will not be able to make up votes in the recount – in fact, Trung’s campaign expects to pick up votes when previously uncounted ballots are reviewed. So it is not Janet Nguyen who will benefit – it is the labor unions who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in their failed attempt to get Tom Umberg elected to the Board and plan to take another shot in two years. So what do the Union Bosses have to say? They aren’t talking.
These morons claim that the Unions are funding an attempt to disenfranchise voters because “It is pretty clear Janet will not be able to make up votes in the recount.”
Okay I’m no engineer, (Trung Nguyen is the engineer) but this just doesn’t make any sense, and for the life of me I cannot find or follow their logic.
- How does COUNTING VOTES disenfranchise voters?
- What would the unions have to gain, if Janet will not pick up any votes?
- How do the unions win if Trung Nguyen doesn’t? Both Nguyens are conservatives and have clearly stated positions that are contrary to positions advocated by public employees and their unions.
Now the closing of the release is the most insane of all:
Meanwhile, Janet Nguyen’s psychic hotline to report voter fraud is being called into question. Mike Schroeder, an attorney for Trung Nguyen, commented, “It is absolutely improper and illegal to suggest that voter fraud should be reported to anyone but the police or the District Attorney. Janet Nguyen is not a police agency and should not try to act like one.”
This is just nuts. Mike Schroeder, whose wife is the spokesperson for the District Attorney who notoriously does not investigate claims of voter fraud or intimidation, thinks that private citizens do not have the right to request that people come forward and report problems so that they can be handed off for a truly impartial investigation by either the California Secretary of State or the Attorney General.
It’s a mad, mad, mad world in TheOC, and Trung Nguyen, along with his “Imperial Court,” is at the center of that universe.
This really is insane. The candidate who’s suspected of all these illegal activities gets his chief sugar daddy to put on his lawyer cap and denounce the opponent’s investigatin into these illegal activities as “illegal”…
And oh yes, the sugar daddy/lawyer urges the opponent to take her concerns over to the same corrupt DA that employs his wife AND owes his own career to him, the sugar daddy/lawyer.
Oh yeah, and did I forget to say that this really is insane? ; )
I’m really hoping that more people will chime in on this. I can’t figure out why the Union(s) would even consider getting involved in this recount. No matter which Nguyen wins, they lose. I would think it makes better sense for them to start building a war chest ,and looking for a candidate, to unseat the winner in 08.