Romantic Irvine

It was just a few years after I moved to the OC that then-Irvine Mayor Christina Shea had launched this initiative to make Irvine a more romantic city.  She started a task force to come up with recommendations on ways Irvine could be more romantic.  Here’s an Irvine World News story about the group’s progress from four years ago.

Now don’t get me wrong.  I’m a 10 year resident of Irvine and this is a city that’s grown on me.  Great place to raise a family and it does have scores of spots that are as romantic as places in Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Dana Point et al.

But a sitting mayor engaged in this practice at the height of the El Toro fight struck me as very “High School Musical.”  I expect something like this from a student council president, not the mayor.




  1. Heres an idea for Irvine to be more Romantic; Double the color palet in the buidling codes. That way there will be at least two shades of beige in the city. Or they can do a truly bold thing and add a color that is not a derivitive of beige.

  2. Come on now, Paul! How can you NOT find beige to be an erotic color? hehe ; )

    No, but really, Irvine has plenty of romantic spots. I can find tranquility at the lakes at Woodbridge, or I can enjoy the lovely gardens at UCI. And oh yes, the trails at Northwood are pretty as well. Thanks to the wise planning of the city of Irvine, there are plenty of open spaces in Irvine where one can find romance.

    : )

  3. Yeah but Andrew, these places have too few parking spots and the one that are availabel are so far away from the spots that by the time you get there you smell like a football team after the big game. not very conducive for being romantic. Plus everything is beige and looks the same. I was talking with a friend of mine about our mutual disdain for Irvine when he told me about hoiw he got lost on the Yale loop for three revolutions around that trap. Irvine is like Ground Hog day.

  4. Kinda sounds like someone was looking for some Valentine’s evening romance with Paul among the erotic beige. The trails of Northwood in the moonlight are very nice.
    And Paul, Eau d’Football Team isn’t necessarily a turn-off.

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