Commie Girl Quits OC Weekly


Frank Mickadeit writes today about the departure from OC Weekly of one of my favorite writers at the publication.

Commie Girl quits!

And I’ll be forever grateful to her for telling me before telling her new corporate oppressors at O.C. Weekly. In fact, she only told them (via e-mail) yesterday after her farewell column was already on the presses. That’s not communism, it’s anarchy! Madness!

Frank is right, this is madness.

Commie Girl, please join your friends at Drinking Liberally tonight. I’m certain there are more than a few of us who will buy you a drink, or two, or three, well, you get the point.

UPDATE: You can read Commie Girl’s last column here.


  1. I heard that Commie Girl was selling tee shirts at drinking liberally.

    Will someone please explain communism to her.

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