I was chatting with Claudio Gallegos this evening at Drinking Liberally, and he showed me this mailer:

On the back are quotes from Bustamante supporters, including failed politician Mark Leyes. One would think it might be an IE. In fact it was paid for by the Bustamante campaign, clearly trying to mislead Democratic voters into thinking he is a Democrat. Whats the matter Carlos, you realize you cannot win under the Republican label in Santa Ana? Are you ashamed to admit you are a Republican? Don’t worry, after the thumping they got last November, I am sure there are plenty of people embarassed to say they are Republicans.
To see the PDF of this mailer, click here.
Wow, this is about as dishonest as they come. This sort of party flip flopping should tell the voters much about Mr. Bustamante’s character. Or lack thereof
Oh, joy! Carlos is trying to pull an “Arnold” and trick us into believing that he’s a Democrat…
But I don’t think it can work for Carlos. In fact, I can still see those Minutemen that are trying to hide behind him.
: )
“Mr. Bustamante’s character”
Wow, that’s an oxymoron.
Carlos Bustamante reminds me of a former GG City Councilman named Ho Chung. Chung would walk precincts and no matter what position the voter he was speaking to at the time had, he always agreed with them. Ho Chung was known as one of the most agreeable Council members in Garden Grove, even if he didn’t really stand for anything.
Not standing for anything pretty much describes Carlos Bustamante. What a joke!
Please refrain from using the words Carlos Bustamante and Ho in the same sentence or we may be forced to attempt to scare you with a lawsuit.
Law firm of Didhe,Dikher & Whenn
It’s not the same sentence. Not even the same paragraph.