Tuesday January 16, 2007

The Orange Juice

  • The OC GOP failed to endorse a candidate tonight—cementing the fact that the Democrats are more organized and unified that the Republicans are right now in this race. [Link]
  • Claudio Gallegos re-caps the 69th AD Caucus election…there was significantly less drama than expected. [Link]
  • Carlos Bustamante abused property rights to enrich car dealers, according to Art Pedroza. Some have been criticizing Janet Nguyen because of her participation in eminent domain deals…now it’s Bubba Gump’s turn. [Link]
  • The Santa Ana Police Officer’s Association has changed their opinion of newly elected Santa Ana Councilmember Michelle Martinez. [Link]
  • The Daily Kos

  • Quoting a Washington Post article, the Daily Kos blogger known as “hunter” asks why it took an entire election cycle for President Bush to start question the direction he was taking in Iraq. [Link]
  • Another Kos story quoting the Washington Post—this time, “SusanG” writes about a disappointing new study that questioned college-aged students about American History. [Link]
  • OC Blog

  • Roscoe C. is against stopping graffiti. The Orange City Council will vote on the 23rd to make it illegal for minors to possess spray paint on private property when the owner is not present, or on public property. [Link]
  • Mark Leyes posts the most recent Tom Umberg mailers. [Link]
  • You know that Democrats picked the right guy when you see Republicans grasping for anything they can to discredit your candidate. Here’s the latest: Tom Umberg is responsible for the Orange County Bankruptcy. [Link]
  • Total Buzz

  • The AARP will sponsor a candidates’ forum tomorrow at 12:30 (old people don’t work). [Link]
  • Orange Punch Blog

  • Alan Bock writes about conservative columnist Rod Dreheris’ recent revelation regarding the war in Iraq. It’s comforting to know that people are starting to see the light, but then I think about the more than 3,000 families that have lost a son or daughter. [Link]
  • Red-light cameras make money for cities, sure. And they also help to deter red-light runners from committing their crimes. But according to Libertarian Steve Greenhut, it’s all about big-brother and city revenue. [Link]
  • The Flash Report

  • Mike Spence writes about an interesting thing going on in Long Beach: The city owns the property that houses a few hotels, and the council has decided that those hotels must be unionized. [Link]
  • I’m no fan of Jon Fleishman’s politics, but he hit the nail on the head with this one: The Republicans didn’t lose in November because the Democrats were better campaigners. The Republicans lost because they lost their way. [Link]
  • Calitics

  • You say “potato” I say “tax increase.” The Governor is calling his plan to raise taxes a “fee” to stick to his campaign promise of not raising taxes. In fact, according to Brian at Calitcs, some of the “fees” the Governor is proposing are the same “tax increases” that Schwarzenegger criticized Angelidies over a few months ago. [Link]
  • So what do you think of this  new edition to theliberaloc.com?  We are thinking of making the ‘Bleeding Heart Blog Brief’ a semi-regular feature here.  Is it worth the effort?  Leave your feedback in the COMMENTS section.


    1. Mike:

      The OC GOP failed to endorse a candidate tonight—cementing the fact that the Democrats are more organized and unified that the Republicans are right now in this race.
      Art’s post is misleading. For the OC GOP to fail to endorse a candidate means an endorsement was attempted or contemplated — neither of which are true. Art’s trying to create the impression the Bustamante campaign tried and failed to get the county party endorsement.

      Roscoe C. is against stopping graffiti.
      Roscoe said no such thing, as you know perfectly well.

      You know that Democrats picked the right guy when you see Republicans grasping for anything they can to discredit your candidate. Here’s the latest: Tom Umberg is responsible for the Orange County Bankruptcy.

      I didn’t blame Umberg for the bankruptcy — which, again, you know perfectly well. Rather than respond to the facts raised in the LAT article, you’re putting words in my mouth.

    2. Mike:

      I LOVE IT! Please continue the Bleeding Heart Brief, as please continue providing us with the best of the county, state, AND national blogs. I’ll definitely be looking forward to more!


    3. I like it. It makes TheLiberalOC the first blog I check in the morning to see if there’s anything of interest anywhere else. Thanks!

    Comments are closed.