The Voters Go-To Guide

There is a good guide in the Orange County Register today written by Martin Wisckol.  Each of the 9 1st District Supervisor candidates (minus Lupe Moreno who dropped out of the race this week) answered a few questions.

My favorite question was “Do you support the sheriff’s use of deputies for immigration enforcement?”  Here are the candidates’ responses:

Carlos Bustamante
Yes.  I am hopeful that the program will be expanded over the coming years.

Benny Diaz
No.  The money should be used in other programs that can help our residents.

Brett Franklin
Yes.  We also need to insist that the federal government defend our borders.

Kermit Marsh
Yes.  Illegal immigration is, after all, illegal.  Let’s stop pretending it’s not.

Janet Nguyen
Yes.  Local police and sheriff deputies should have the responsibility to help federal agents.

Trung Nguyen
Yes.  Not only do I support it but I believe the sheriff should have designated more deputies to it.

Larry Phan
No.  Immigrants came here looking for a better life.  They are not criminals.

Mark Rosen
Only for inmates booked for felonies.  The authority shouldn’t be extended to misdemeanors.

Tom Umberg
There’s plenty of crime needing attention.  We need to be sure we have funding to address that first.

To read the rest of the questions and the candidates’ responses, visit the Orange County Register website.

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