Enter the “Union Boss”

Peggy Lowe over at the OC Register posted this yesterday and I just have to follow up on it.

DA’s DNA plan DOA? Or just on ice?

Buzzette’s hearing some rumblings this afternoon about item No. 27 on the supes agenda for Tuesday, the first meeting in 2007. This is an $875,000 item DA Tony Rackauckas wants approved so he can move forward with a big project involving the use of a private DNA lab for his crime-fighting initiative. Tony Rack’s been up on the fifth floor today, lobbying his plan before the supes. So are Sheriff Mike Carona’s people, as it will affect the sheriff’s DNA lab.

But let’s make way for Nick Berardino, the union boss. He sent over a letter today asking the item to be removed from the agenda so everyone can, well, argue about it somewhere other than the big board room.

Buzzette predicts the item will be postponed and taken up again at the end of the month. — Peggy Lowe

I heard today the the item has been, or will be pulled from Tuesday’s Agenda but it reminded me of a PhotoShop image I created in July last year.

Obi-wan Berardino

The item being pulled reminds me of this image.

Chicken Little Moorlach