Torres tells agenda for CDP in 2007

California Democratic Party Chairman Art Torres sent out a press release today outlining the party’s agenda for 2007. The press release includes a lot of buzz words (“58 county strategy”) and focuses almost exclusively on elected officials.From the press release:

Torres described the Party’s priorities for 2007 as follows:

  • Actively support House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, the California Democratic Congressional delegation and our national Democratic agenda.
  • Actively support Speaker Fabian Nuñez and Senate President pro tem Don Perata as they take the lead in efforts to improve health care, education, and the environment (including reducing the causes of global warming).
  • Adopt a 58 County Strategy to further create and develop Democratic strongholds and increase Democratic voter registration – starting with rural counties in Congressional Districts 4 (Doolittle) and 11 (McNerney), as well as Orange County. This kind of targeting proved effective in 2006. In the tight 34th Senate District, for example, Democrats registered 5,000 new voters, creating the margin for Lou Correa’s victory in Orange County.
  • Establish new partnerships with the California Young Democrats and College and High School Democratic clubs to build upon the successes of 2006 among young voters. In 2006, the CDP recruited over 2,000 students from 160 high schools across California who became Democratic activists for the first time.
  • Organize “Days of Service” to bring some of the energy of regional Democratic activists to help local volunteer organizations.
  • Continue to build Interfaith alliances.
  • Expand the Party’s new citizen voter registration programs.
  • Announced on November 8, 2006, the new and expanded “Arnold Watch” to monitor Governor Schwarzenegger, ensure he fulfills his campaign promises, and hold him accountable when he breaks his word.
  • Support legislative initiatives for universal health care, education improvement, election integrity, and public financing of campaigns.
  • Despite being outspent by the state GOP by $17 million ($44 million – $27 million), California Democrats out-hustled Republicans, making the 2006 coordinated campaign a tremendous success.

    “Together, with a strong statewide grassroots organization and effective outreach to allies and special constituencies, we were able to re-elect U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, win eight statewide races, retain our strong majorities in the Assembly and the State Senate, and help Jerry McNerney defeat Richard Pombo, which helped Nancy Pelosi become the new, and first female, Speaker of the House,” Torres said. “I am proud of the work of our Democratic activists across the state in 2006 and I know we’ve laid the foundation for even greater Democratic victories in 2008, including delivering California to our Democratic candidate for President.”