OC GOP should shoot for 1 dozen candidates

There is more going on than just a battle to hold control in the 1st District.  On Sunday the OC GOP is having a special get-together in the Republican bat cave to narrow the field in this supes race that has had local politicos salivating since June.

We all know why it is in our best interest if a bunch of Reps. enter the race, but I think that something more important is happening here.  There is a smaller race; there is a race to see which political party in this county can refine their message, organize their troops and run the fewest candidates.

Last night at Drinking Liberally (a really fun social gathering that happens every Thursday at Memphis Bar in Downtown Santa Ana…for more information visit DrinkingLiberally.org), a friend asked me “What’s wrong with the GOP running 10 candidates?”

“10 is less than 15,” I joked.

I think that the fist victory can be called on December 26th when we see which party organized their efforts and has the fewest candidates in the running.

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