We are in need of Democratic volunteers to come observe the vote counting that is being done by the county. They are looking for people today (Friday), Saturday (starting at 7 a.m.) or Monday (starting at 8 a.m.).
Here’s the email that was sent out by the Orange County Young Democrats:
AT THE REGISTAR OF VOTERSPlease contact Cesar from the Senate Democrats: (510) 919-5443 and sign up for a time where you can come in to the County Registrar of Voters and assist with observing of the counting of votes. If you have never observed, representatives from the Senate Democrats will be on hand to train you.
Please contact Cesar before coming to the County Registrar of Voters.
The County Registrar of Voters is located at
1300 South Grand Avenue , Building C Santa Ana , CA 92705
(At the corner of Grand Avenue and McFadden)We cannot stress how important it is for you to participate in this effort.
Let’s all pitch in and help Lou Correa in this final push so that we can continue to have Democratic representation from Orange County in the State Senate.