Susan Freeze

Yesterday at Drinking Liberally, we celebrated the birthday of the wonderful Democratic Party of Orange County staffer and blogger Susan Freeze.

Susan is just two weeks out of surgery–and still recovering a little.  And we were very happy to see her come out to join us!

I’m not going to tell you how old Susan is, but I will say that I couldn’t buy a beer during the fifteen minutes it took the bartender Johnny to give Susan a spank for each year of her life.


  1. Feliz cumpleanos, joyeux anniversaire, otanjou-bi omedetou gozaimasu, and as they used to say in Scotland (and still do in the hinterlands), co` latha breith sona dhuibh!

  2. A WEE kilt, Thomas? Maybe you could do us the favor of wearing it next week to Memphis. A little post-election celebratory jig is in order.

  3. ygaaads Mike!!! Thanks for the write up – I just wish I were more photogenic.

    Tom – PLEASE promise me you will wear something under your wee kilt. You are a foine strappling speciman of manhood, but there is one aspect we do not need to verify.


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