In case you were wondering, the big gaudy yellow signs for Team Irvine likely exceed the city’s laws for lawn signs. Why am I not surprised.
The Hometown Voter’s Guide has fact-checked Christina Shea’s “Let’s Talk Irvine” mailer.
In case you were wondering, the big gaudy yellow signs for Team Irvine likely exceed the city’s laws for lawn signs. Why am I not surprised.
The Hometown Voter’s Guide has fact-checked Christina Shea’s “Let’s Talk Irvine” mailer.
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Riddle: Dan- What’s the difference between you and Arnold and Kenny. They are making bank with Larry’s gamesmanship. How about mentioning the group in Montery. With the lack of other comments, it appears that you are about the only one reading this blog. Heat must be on and John is going to beat Beth because HVG is spending bucks battling him. Where’s Earl when you need him?!
Mistake. Not to further discredit HVG, but that piece apperas to have come from Larry’s other arm, Common Sence Votor Guide.
We generate a fair share of comments; but we’re still a brand new blog and, judging from your comments, one you’re reading every day. We are getting pick up in the local papers and the right wing blogs, so we must be doing something right.
Not sure is Arnold is the Governor and the only Kenny I know is on South Park. Earl? If you are refering to Earl Zucht, he addressed his candidacy is the last election as being sincere. I take the man at his word. Plus, what Republican would do *anything* to help Larry Agran?
If I mention the group in Monteray, I’ll have to mention Frank Jao’s group again.
I post these thing not because “the heat is on” but because I am tired of reading the Pro-TeamIrvine fliers on the right wing blogs. I also posted it because I know it pisses you off.
We generate a fair share of comments; but we’re still a brand new blog and, judging from your comments, one you’re reading every day. We are getting pick up in the local papers and the right wing blogs, so we must be doing something right.
Not sure if Arnold is the Governor and the only Kenny I know is on South Park. Earl? If you are refering to Earl Zucht, he addressed his candidacy is the last election as being sincere. I take the man at his word. Plus, what Republican would do *anything* to help Larry Agran?
If I mention the group in Monteray, I’ll have to mention Frank Jao’s group again.
I post these thing not because “the heat is on” but because I am tired of reading the Pro-TeamIrvine fliers on the right wing blogs. I also posted it because I know it pisses you off.
I have not been a Blog participant but thought it time I answer a few questions, a friend suggested this to me.
Dan is a close friend of Mr. Agran’s and his ocmments are just not factual, this “LIE” piece is just not facutal either
I would like to say that this present Council/Mayoral campaign has been one of the worst I have experienced in the 29 years I have lived in Irvine.
Larry Agran, Beth Krom want me out of office and they have attacked me and my character and my record for three weeks relentlessly, for many years actually. They will do and say anything to defeat me.
I have tried to represent Irvine fairly and honestly.
I have many wonderful supporters. I am not power hungry and so I do not send out mailer after mailer attacking my opponents, like the Krom/Kang/Gaido Team like to do.
I don’t create committees outside of the City to funnel huge contributions from local developers to defeat my opponents.
I opposed the City budget in 2005 for a very good reason.
Mr Agran and Beth Krom and Sukhee Kang provided a no bid contract for their friend Arnold Forde for a public relations contract and Arnold has helped them run their politcal campaigns. This is a violation of State code 1090 and it is a felony.
The District Attorney’s office is investigating this presently.
That is why I opposed the budget and I made my points very clear that evening, inspite of what Sukhee Kang has said.
I am embarrassed with the politcs of Larry Agran, Beth Krom and Sukhee Kang..our City deserves so much better.
If I am defeated ….Irvine will be worse off for it. Balance of opinion is the Hallmark of our democracy.. they want to silence my voice..
In my opinion, Mr Agran, Beth Krom and Sukhee Kang
do not represent this community honestly and for that they should not be representing this wonderful City.
That is my opinion, thank you
Christina Shea
WOW, Dan, a response from Ms. Shea.
You’re really pissing folks off here.
Keep up the good work!
1. FACT – Every residential approval in the IBC requires a General Plan Amendment to increase the # residential units. Yes Councilwoman Shea has approved SOME of the recent projects in the IBC but she has also opposed others and has openly called for a stop to the process to do a full Environment Impact Report (EIR) on the effects of these projects not only on the IBC itself but city-wide to include but not be limited to issues on traffic and schools. The Mayor and her Council allies blindly approved without concern ALL projects. Look at the huge dollars that have flowed into HVG over the years and you can only conclude why, the majority of those dollars come from the same residential speculators in the IBC. The only conclusion is that the Agran-Krom-Kang bloc’s votes are for sale.
2. FACT – Traffic across our city is out of control. Christina Shea has called for a full traffic study in conjunction with the comprehensive EIR to study the effects of this conversion from Industrial/Commercial to mixed-use Residential. There is NO proof that the current conversion rate is sustainable in a large-scale residential conversion. Residents in Irvine complain more about traffic in Irvine than anything else. It only makes sense to proceed with caution.
3. FACT – The City of Irvine received a letter from the Irvine Unified School District that supports Christina Shea’s assertions of overcrowding IUSD schools. This letter dated August 29, 2006 say “…However, the District has little, if any space available in nearby middle or high schools. Moreover, given recent proposals for further residential development inside district boundaries, space may well be inadequate district-wide at the middle and high school levels.†This letter continue on to say “…Therefore, the Board of Education must reluctantly oppose any further approvals of new residential units in the IBC until an understanding is reached as to how school capacity will be mitigated.â€Â
4. FACT – with the above mentioned traffic and school issues how can that not ruin the quality of life for ALL of Irvine’s residents.
5. FACT – Prop 90 protects the rights of all current land and homeowners for the CURRENT zoning designations. You can’t down-zone a property (reduce the intensity) currently approved for that property with-out proper compensation. In fact today, if a landowner has the entitlement to build a 20-story tower be it residential or office the city has no right to deny them their building permits because they want to build that 20-story tower. That landowner would still be bound by what ever zoning requirements are on the books prior to the passage of Prop 90 and meet all conditions of approval in order to mitigate environmental impacts.
Sorry the name for the above item should have been WoodbridgeWilma.
This is my first blog posting and had the typo and could not go back on edit it.
Hey welcome to the party Wilma; and thanks for checking in Christina. Congrats on having Steve Greenhut stick your flier on his blog and not having to pay for an ad.
I am *not* a close friend of Mr. Agran. I have spoken with him three times since 1998 which would hardly qualify as a “close friend.” I met him at an event at Hicks Canyon Park in 1998, and the last time I spoke with him was at a candidate’s forum at City in 2004 and where he joined a conversation I was having with someone about John Kerry’s performance in one of his debates against George W. Bush.
Although I did see him (and you) twice at city hall this spring for ceremonies regarding Irvine Youth Basketball. But all we did is nod to each other. I am friendly with Beth but its not like she and her family are over to the house for dinner regularly. I met Beth when she spoke to my Cub Scout troop about Great Park issues when she was first elected to council. Plus, without Beth’s work, we wouldn’t have measure W and without Measure W my house wouldn’t be worth what it is today. Simple as that.
What I am is a liberal Democrat and since you’re a Republican, we’re on opposite sides. We probably have more in common with what we want for Irvine than you might think. You won’t believe this, but by my standards I don’t see Mr. Agran or Ms. Krom as liberals; moderates yes, liberal…uhh no, They are not. But I do understand that most Republicans who think anyone who is not a Republican is liberal.
I’m puzzled by your “silencing voice” comment; I’m not a city council and this blog gives me a voice to comment about I like and don’t like on city government.
I just want to know what its OK for your slate to enjoy the huge chunk of money that came in from Frank Jao and the Lincoln Club but its not OK for HTVG.
But thanks for stopping by Ms. Shea and stop by often.
Wilma, perhaps you can explain why every major newspaper and even the Governor has come out against Prop 90?
I’d respond to your other points Wilma, but I’m off to New York tomorrow and have a lot to prepare for.
Egad, I really need to proof my work better before I hit send…
I saw Larry at a candidate’s forum at City Hall.
I want to know why is OK for Republican slate mialers from Jao and Lincoln Club….
I am not a city counciler, but the blog gives me a voice, yada yada
And Christina, don’t you think you misrepresented the Great Park Team’s record by suggesting homes and businesses will be bulldozed? C’mon. That isn’t going to happen and you know it. As for all the new traffic that is supposed to come; I believe your exact quote was “People in Irvine like their cars.”
OK, Wilma, I’m going to tackle your points as best I can.
#1 – I believe the planning commission spends considerable time on these issues before making recommendations on moving forward or not. But thanks for clarifying that Ms. Shea has approved some of the projects as the flier stated.
#2 I never heard anyone complain about traffic; on the freeways, yes, but not city streets. This is a bogus issue. M. Shea herself has stated “People in Irvine like their cars.” I’d also state that there is no proof that the current conversion rate isn’t sustainable in a large scale residential project either. All I know is it takes me 15 minutes from my home in Northwood to City Hall. The same amount of time it did 9 years ago.
#3 The letter from IUSD board was politically motivated by the 3-2 Republican majority. I’m told both Sharon and Gavin disagreed with the content of the letter, by Carolyn is a Good Republican and she did this in the best interests of the party and not the district. Can’t wait for her re-election bid in 2008.
#4 – This is actually a question and not a fact. And I disagree with many of your facts.
#5 Nice talking point form the Pro-Prop 90 people but even the Governor says its bad legislation. So does every major newsaper in Californa form the liberal SF Chron to the conservative SD Union Trib. There are tons of small business groups and bi-partisan support against this bill including the Irvine Chamber and the Orange County Business Council. If it passes, it will bust our budget.
Sorry; life is good in Irvine. Why switch?
And remember, you’re posting to a liberal board here.
Dan. Sweet Pea. You need to get out more. In the city survey conducted by a reputable firm (not Forde and Mollrich), traffic is the number ONE complaint in the city.
It is undeniable that Irvine’s middle and high schools are at capacity. As for the IUSD letter it was passed unanimously at a public meeting, are saying that Gavin and Sharon can’t cast an independent vote like Krom and Kang are not allowed to stray from Agran’s dictates. I’m disappointed – I always thought that Gavin and Sharon were doing a pretty good job.
As for Prop 90, this will only bust the budget if government seriously down zones or takes land something other than a non-public use (like a Walmart). But you are right there is sincere disagreement on this issue and valid points on both sides.
Since you post on the conservative blog I had just assumed that you would welcome other points of view on YOUR blog. Sorry.
Wilma – Hello from New York.
I don’t think much of F&M, but you didn’t name your “repuable firm” so I guess I will just have to trust you on this? What did Reagan say: Trust but Verify.
Yes, Irvine Schools are at capacitybut they soon won’t be if we keep pricing families out of the city; half the city’s residents live in apartments; many so they can send kids to school here. When families can’t afford to buy here, enrollment will decline.
We need another middle school and another high school.
I’m not happy with the school board. We’re doing better this year budget wise because the governor loosened the purse strings. I wish we had more choices for those races.
And don’t get me wrong on you posting here; comments are always welcome, but it is a liberal board so you can expect some of the same treatment I get on the conservative ones.
Have a great day!