Arrests made in OC GOP Voter Registration Scandal

On Wednesday night I wrote something about the rumor that kept re-surfacing regarding the voter registration scandal and the “looming” threats that were going to be happening “any day now.”

It was frustrating to hear the rumor over and over since August, but never see anything happen.

And now I feel like an ass.

I got word this morning that three arrests have been made in the voter registration scandal kindly brought to us by the local Republican Party.

UPDATE: Claudio Gallegos at The Orange Juice is posting the full press release that was sent out by The Democratic Party of Orange County. Click here to read his post.


  1. Publius,

    I was hearing the same stories from my sources as well. From what information I have gathered, DA Tony R. was trying to drag his feet until after the election for partisan Republican reasons. It seems the heat got turned up a bit and he finally relented. The DA has known who was responsible form months, he has just held off on taking action. When you see a press conference with the “Republican” Secretary of State and Tony R. announcing the arrests next week, you’ll see what I mean; a partisan photo op to help a fellow Republican in a close election. You know, the same partisanship the caused the Republican majority on the Board of Supervisors to take no action to correct the Tan letters and pass it off to the Secretary of State.

    These guys will stop at nothing.

    On November 7th

    Say no to Republican manipulation of our laws and elections. Vote for Change and replace a Republican with a Democrat.

    We can no longer hope that these people will change their ways.

    Hope is not a strategy. Take Action and Vote for the Democrats.

  2. I’ve been watching this article for a few hours now to see who reports it.
    Seems most of the MSM doesn’t want to report it even if you go diractly to their sites.
    With all the misleading news by the MSM about Accorn who notified authorities on their own of possible voter registration fraud by some of it’s canvassers.
    This story is so slow in being reported it is hard to ignore the fact that the MSM is trying to manipulate the American public.

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