As promised, the republican-funded Pam Keller hit piece

On Wednesday, Susan wrote here about The Fullerton City Council:

It is not easy being a Democrat in Fullerton and if a Democrat dares to run for city council, school board etc. , Beware!!! I lived in Fullerton for about 15 years so I have definitely seen some of the action there…

What is interesting is that two more Democrats are vying for seats on the council, Pam Keller and Kitty Jaramillo. Both are more than qualified and they would be a breath of fresh air on the council. Needless to say, the machinery will be coming out and we have no idea what hatchet jobs will be done.

Just one day later, the “hatchet job” hit Fullerton homes. The mailer was sent by The Republican Party of Orange County.

It says that “the groups Keller proudly belongs to support the most extreme and liberal politicians in California,” but the author of the mailer accidentally forgot to disclose which groups he was speaking of.

Perhaps it was the YMCA, which Keller was one of the board managers. Perhaps it was the Fullerton Sister City, for which she sat on the board of directors. Or maybe the Fullerton Collaborative, the Needlework Guild, the Fox Theater Foundation, The Neighbors United for Fullerton, or the Fullerton Museum Association.

Sadly, Susan’s prediction came true.

[Susan’s original post]
[Pam Keller’s website]
[The “Hatchet Job” in PDF format]


  1. Just in case you had any doubt that the folks who sent out this hit piece are behind the times, they apparently missed the Larry Agran hasn’t been mayor of Irvine since 2004

  2. Apart from being a registered Democrat, can the OCGOP please explain the connection between Pam Keller and either Maxine Waters or Nancy Pelosi.

    Looks like these two women have become the new Willie Brown.

    And when did it become fashionable to send these hit pieces so early? This leaves the Keller campaign lots of time to respond. Isn’t this the sort of mailer that typically would drop the weekend before the election?

  3. Thank you Mr. LAWSON for posting.

    I hope this s*** backfires. I have some deranged belief that the majority of voters like their city councils, school boards etc. to remain non partisan.

    What is funny is that when the DPOC started endorsing in 2002; it was in part a response to the coded partisanship on non partisan mailers. For us, it is a way to begin to reach out. The endorsed candidate could use the endorsement as a tool.

    Most of us Democrats still believe in the spirit of non partisanship; hence, our more low key approach. We don’t shake anyone down per say, but do encourage participation at our events that may help them cast their fundraising net a little wider.

    In the meantime, this won’t just occur in Fullerton or Irvine. Expect it in any city/school district where we have a Democrat on the ballot. My simple request to our gentle readers is this: All Politics is Local, please be sure to support your local candidates with the same ferver that you give to State and National Candidates. Who knows, one day your mayor might be running for President.

  4. If this was paid for by the Orange County Republican party, just how bright are these people if they still think Larry Agran is the current mayor of Irvine? Either they are very dumb or they are insulting the intelligence of voters.

    And I missed the part where the Democrats are calling for higher income taxes and this canddiates ability to actually enact higher income taxes.

    Maybe Pam should put out a mailer featuring Republicans who shielded a pedophile, or are in jail or one their way to jail (Duke Cinningham and Bob Ney).

  5. The male Republican incumbents in Fullerton are desperate. Pam is well like and respected by both sides of the aisle and the thought of losing their jobs is unacceptable. They can’t link her to anything else, so they have to make this sh!t up as they go along. Pretty typical.

    Keep up the great work, Pam! Hard work and dedicated community service beats out lazy imcumbents any day!

  6. Most of us Democrats still believe in the spirit of non partisanship; hence, our more low key approach.

    Gimme a break! Methinks what activist OC Democrats like the “low key apporach” and the “spirit of non-partisanship” because your the minority party here, and heightened awareness of a local government candidates partisanship will generalyl hurt Democratic candidates.

    I’m sure SF Bay Area Reps also appreciate a similar low-key apporach for local offices.

  7. Sorry Jubal,

    From my experience, Most Democrats who I have spoken with; rank and file voters and candidates for city council DO trust and respect the laws, written and by precedent.

    Based on current events, I think the Republicans are morally bankrupt. Lobbiest money being passed out on the floor of the house, minors are sexually harassed and the republican machine (with faux news) are lying like cheap rugs.

    I know there is no such thing as a non partisan race – if we were the majority party, I don’t know if we would hit non partisan races with the sledgehammer you guys are – assisting those who do want to know party, (partisan or not) is not a problem that bothers me.

    Voters are disgusted by the goings on by republican leardership at our national level. They are also disgusted with the type of partisanship that makes civil discoruse on any issue – national security to potholes impossible.

    Swift Boat away since the tatics I have witnessed by your party are akin to to spousal abuse. OC Dems may not have your warchest, but we will continue to stand up to the authoritarians and bullys who are currently in charge.

    BTW – what are you paying the bounty hunters this time? How many voters do you anticipate disenfranchising in the November Election? IS it just in the 34th or is it county wide?

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