I got this one from Amin David of Los Amigos.
LOS AMIGOS OF ORANGE COUNTY 1585 W Broadway, Anaheim, CA 92802 and Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) 2180 W. Crescent Ave., Suite F, Anaheim, CA 92801 ANAHEIM CIVIC, RELIGIOUS LEADERS TO CALL FOR CIVILITY IN POLITICAL DEBATE Local Muslim and Arab candidate target of Islamophobic rhetoric (ANAHEIM, CA, 10/11/06) - On Thursday, October 12, the Southern California office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA) will join Anaheim civic and religious leaders at a news conference intended to bring civility back to the political arena and to take a stand against the use of anti-Muslim rhetoric by some politicians. WHAT: News Conference Calling for Civility in Political Debate WHEN: 11:30 a.m., Thursday, October 12 WHERE: Anaheim City Hall steps, 200 S. Anaheim Blvd., Anaheim, CA Speakers at the news conference will urge politicians, candidates and their supporters to keep the political debate within civil boundaries, adhere to the American tradition of pluralism, and to ask voters to judge candidates on their merit and reject attacks based on race or religion. The City of Anaheim has made great strides in bringing people of various races, ethnicities and religions together. Anaheim residents count diversity a strength, and condemn moves by those who want to sling mud at their opponents for cheap political gains. Recently, Republican candidate for the City Council Bill Dalati has been targeted by former state Republican Party Chairman Shawn Steel. Steel supports Dalati's opponent, incumbent Bob Hernandez. SEE: Anaheim City Council Race Heats Up Over Mideast Politics (AP) http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/state/20061009-2228-ca-councilrace-mi ddleeast.html Steel has called Dalati, who is Muslim and Arab American, a "Manchurian candidate" and questioned his patriotism for supporting elected officials who have been critical of President George W. Bush's Iraq policies. "We repudiate attempts by those who are trying to bring divisive and racist politics into our city," said Amin David, president of Los Amigos of Orange County. CONTACT: Los Amigos President, Amin David, Tel (714) 758-8090; Fax (714) 758-8815, Email: adavid@imp-prod.com CAIR-LA Communications Coordinator Munira Syeda, Tel: 714-776-1847, Email: socal@cair.com Participating groups include: Los Amigos, League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), Arab-American Republican Club, Orange County Asian and Pacific Islander Community Alliance (OCAPICA), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-LA), Orange County Communities Organized for Responsible Development (OCCORD), and others. (Contact Los Amigos or CAIR-LA to add your organization) -- _________________________________________________________________ COUNCIL ON AMERICAN-ISLAMIC RELATIONS (CAIR) Southern California 2180 W. Crescent Ave., Suite F Anaheim, CA 92801 Tel: (714) 776-1847 Fax: (714) 776-8340 E-mail: socal@cair.com URL: http://www.cair-net.org Blog: www.hussamayloush.blogspot.com
_______________________________________________ Sca-civilrights mailing list Sca-civilrights@list.cair.com http://list.cair.com/mailman/listinfo/sca-civilrights_list.cair.com
Thank you, Susan (and Like Levin!), for standing up to such blatant bigotry! How dare Steel and the OC GOP equate Dalati with “dangerous extremists” and “terrorists”, simply beacause he’s a member of CAIR.