Tan Nguyen and a pedophile protector

I wonder if Tan Nguyen is still so proud of this shot. It’s still on his website.


  1. WOW! Is Tan politically tone-deaf, or what?

    First, his anti-immigrant (no wait, it’s just anti-illegal… no wait, it’s just anti-Mexican) crap.

    Then, his futile attempt to tie Loretta to scandal.

    Then, his half-baked “plan for Iraq”.

    Oh, and can we forget his threat to Mike over the phone?

    And the GOP’s reluctance to embrace him as their own?

    And now, he’s proud of good ol’ Denny Hastert!

    What next? Will Tan be bragging about his endorsement by “child safety expert” Mark Foley?

    Tan is such a joke!

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