Anyone want to have pancakes with me tomorrow morning? If so, I’ll be at the Boys & Girls Club in Garden Grove (10540 Chapman Avenue) around 8ish. The pancakes are free!
Oh yea, and Assemblyman Van Tran will be there as well. He’s actually hosting the event. And Tran will be soliciting feedback on public policy from those who show up.
Rumor has it Tran’s Democratic challenger in his re-election bid, Paul Lucas, will be in attendance.
The event is from 8 – 10 a.m.
For Van Tran, but against Tan Nguyen. Do I smell a Republican in Democrat clothing? Way to be consistent Mike…
Way to talk before knowing all the info, anon. If you read this blog, you’d know that I’ve supported Paul Lucas, and I’d love to see Van Tran kicked to the curb.
The breakfast isn’t a fundraiser for Tran. It’s just a breakfast where one can ask Tran questions.
My clothing is not Republican or Democrat…or even stylish, for that matter.
Sorry Mike. Wow you seem to be quite the Party Hack…maybe we should be bad mouthing you!!!!
Come on, Mikey, you’re very stylish.
So how were Van’s flapjacks?