Races for City Council and Irvine Mayor are allegedly non-partisan. Meaning, if Larry Agran were Republican, the local GOP would love him.
Mickadeit’s column from this morning quotes Mitch Goldstone, a democrat who no longer warms to the Krommunists and Agranistas (Mitch is a terrific businessman and immensely likeable; I consider him a friend), so Mitch meets the Register’s critieria of a quotable Democrat/Liberal; he’s endorsing the Republican candidate. Mitch’s quote was along the lines of John Duong’s candidacy as “the end of partisan politics in Irvine.” Oh really.
This from our friends at PowderBlue:
Dear Republican Neighbors,
Our Republican candidate for Mayor of Irvine, John Duong, will be attending the IRC meeting tomorrow night. This is an opportunity to meet John, and discuss with him the issues that are important to you and your family – traffic, smart planning for the Great Park and IBC, etc.
John will be visiting with us at 5:45 PM, before the general meeting.
Also, Dana Point Council member, Diane Harkey, will be our speaker at 7:00 PM, and will discuss what it’s like to run for State Senate.
It promises to be an interesting and informative evening. Hope to see you there!
Date: Thursday, August 17th.
Time: 5:45 – 6:15 PM – John Duong6:15 – 7:00 PM –
General meeting7:00 PM – Council member Diane Harkey Location: Irvine Ranch Water District, 15600 Sand Canyon Ave, Irvine
Regards, Charlene Hatakeyama Wildermuth
Chairman, Irvine Republican Council
So kids, partisan politics if your a progressive, liberal or a Democrat is bad…
But if you’re a Republican, it’s good.
Since John was just appointed to the finance commission, I’m sure that will be included on his candidate’s description on the ballot even though as of this writing, he had not attended a single meeting. His appointment by Stephen Choi smacks of the very politics that the Choi/Shea team rail against.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think Bartlett is just a bit out there where the buses don’t run.