Orange County Blog Roundup

What are people saying on those OC Political blogs?

  • The Blotter The OC Weekly Staff Blog
    Paul Brennan writes about the wife of former congressman Chris Cox using her defunct Member’s spouse pin to gain access to restricted areas of the Capitol in order to do business as a lobbyist.

  • Orange Punch
    According to Greenhut, The League of Women Voters wants to steal your property. Ha!

    Because I support the idea of blogs being a bit sensational and melodramatic (see my post “OC GOP responsible for impregnating teens” or “Support King Carona–or else!”), I’m not going to criticize Greenhut’s lurid suggestion that these people really want your property.

  • Metroblogging OC
    Mike Randall posts about an awesome find: Drinking Liberally in Orange County. It’s this awesome weekly get-together of Orange County progressives. A place for us to talk shop and just get to know one another.

    If you want to meet up with other local OC Liberals on Aug. 17th at Memphis in Santa Ana (Such as the ones over at O-Juice, Mike’s Daily Lockup, and The Liberal OC) come on down and pick up the tab. Now where did I put my Sam Adams…

    Good find Mike.

  • The Orange Juice
    I love it when Claudio gets heated. I can just see him foaming at the mouth pounding away on the keyboard. His most recent outburst has to do with elitist Lynn Daucher and her inability to connect with the folks she wants to represent.

  • Greater Orange News eBlog
    I wish there was somebody in every city doing what the people over at the Greater Orange blog are doing. They are in cahoots with their City Clerk’s office, and they are keeping track of all the people that have taken out papers for the city races.

  • The Huntington Beach Outlook
    A new blog appears in the OC Blogosphere. As always, I’m happy to see a new voice emerge. This one is of HB resident Chris Jepsen. So far he’s blogged about some interested/nerdy civic topics. He’s worth the read.

  • Squeeze OC Staff Blog
    Before this weekend, ‘burning bridges’ was just a hackneyed cliché. But a staff member at Squeeze OC was on the 405 this past Sunday when the fires inside the Beach overpass was in progress. The fire burned for 14 hours.

    The Squeeze OC blog has some photos taken while sitting in the fun traffic.

  • OC Blog
    Jubal explains a new blog aggregator that displays what Californian political bloggers are saying about state and local political issues. Jubal said that he skimmed here’s what he had to say:

    Granted, BlogNetNews/California is just a day old and their scan omits some of the major CA state and local blogs like California Insider (Weintruab’s blog), FlashReport, LA Observed, Mayor Sam’s Sister City, Orange Punch, Total Buzz and Orange Juice.

    Notice that he said nothing about us here at The Liberal OC…that’s because the content of this site has somehow shown up in the pages of this new news service.
    [OC Blog]


    1. No sir, no sir. I was just mentioning that we weren’t part of the “not on the list” list because our content has somehow been included on their site.

    2. OK. I’m glad they found you. It’s a good concept, but it would be more useful if they weeded out the “California” blogs that never post about CA or local politics.

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