Blogging in bed

I’ve gotten a few emails from people that think the Jon Fleischman photo that accompanied Monday’s Martin Wisckol column is hilarious.

Someone called me and said “Did you see the picture in the Register of Fleischman surfing for porn?”

And here’s where I stand up for Jon. I’ve blogged from bed. I’ve blogged from coffee shops. I blogged from the kitchen table. I’ve blogged from the car (a funny story if you ever want to hear it). There is only one place that I can say that I have never and will never blog from: work. My paycheck, like Fleishman’s used to be, comes out of the pockets of taxpayers.

I have no right blogging on a political blog while at the office.

Standing up for Fleishman made me sick curious…so I started looking at the posts that he has done over at The Flash Report, and I found that the majority of them are done in the 9 a.m. hour on weekdays. Which to many is considered “working time.”

I don’t like to think that Fleishman may have been blogging while I was paying his paycheck. But he has quit his job as Carona’s mouthpiece, so I’m not going to worry about it much more. I’ll let Jon climb under his floral blankets and continue to click away.

[Marty Wisckol’s Column in the OC Register]
[Fleishman’s Flash Report]