Ed Arnold and Ann Pulice host this 30-minute news program. They cover all aspects of OC lifestyle, and help you put faces to the names you are reading about in the newspapers. [Show’s Website]
This is a half-hour satirical news program. They provide news-related comedy and the show has developed a reputation as one of the sharpest political commentary shows on American TV. [Show’s Website]
Morgan Spurlock of “Supersize Me†fame, created this show where he takes people out of their comfort zones and has them live in a different environment for 30 days. This Wednesday a Minuteman border-control activist spends a month living with an undocumented immigrant family in Los Angeles. [Show’s Website]
This show is hosted by a pretty vocal Republican, Rick Reiff. But Reiff is a fair guy that gives air-time to people that disagree with his politics. This show often focuses on politics and social issues and they also dive into OC business. [Show’s Website]
Get your national and world news from Keith’s countdown. Each weeknight Keith recaps the days top stories with a little wit and an elaborate writing style. This show is fast-paced, and there are historical and pop culture references, and funny interjections, that make Countdown more colorful than average newscasts. [Show’s Website]
In my house I operate according to Dick Cheney’s travel requirements: all television sets are tuned to Fox News Channel.
These are all shows that pander to the left. What are you some sort of liberal?
Add to the list The Cobert Report and you have ’em all.
President Bush: Great President, or Greatest President?