The newest Rasmussen Reports poll that was released earlier today shows our man Angelides with a 2 point lead over Schwarzenegger. It’s a small lead, but when you look at the money being spent, you’d expect Arnold to be polling ahead.
From the poll:
Our first election poll here since California’s June 6 primaries shows the Democratic gubernatorial nominee, Phil Angelides, with a narrow lead of 46% to 44% over the incumbent.
The same poll is unsurprisingly showing Dianne Feinstein way ahead of that Republican she’s running against…what’s his name? 42% of the people polled actually said that they “don’t yet have an opinion of the Republican.â€Â
I love California.
[Rasmussen Reports Poll]
[Inspired by: California Young Dems Blog]
Funny…the “liberal” media seems to ignore polls that don’t show Schwarzenegger ahead.