Who are the ethical politicians in OC?

Art at the O-Juice blog poses the question “who are the ethical politicians in OC?” and he lists the politicians that he believes are doing the right thing. On the Democratic side, Art comes up with Sergio Contreras of the Westminster School Board, and Mark Rosen of the Garden Grove City Council.

I’d agree with him on these two, I particularly throw a lot of support behind Rosen because he’s patiently sat next to blowhard Mark Leyes for 8 years on that council.

But I’d like to throw a couple of other names out there:

Rudy Bermudez (56th State Assembly District) Bermudez has avoided scandal and has focused on representing his constituents. In 2005, Bermudez helped to balance the California budget, voted for the Car buyer’s bill of rights (AB68), and supported a bill that would legalize gay marriage in California (AB19/AB849) that was ultimately vetoed by the Governor.

Joe Dunn (Soon to be termed out of the 34th State Senate District) Dunn led the state Senate into investigating Enron’s role in cheating California out of billions of dollars, and his track record in the senate is commendable.

Loretta Sanchez (47th Congressional District) Sanchez is the Latina Liberal that the OC GOP loves to hate, but she hasn’t wavered from her strong progressive values since winning the seat from Dornan in 1996. And tenure is a valuable asset to a congressperson that usually decides who gets what. Loretta’s record speaks for itself: she voted against making the Patriot Act permanent, voted against an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to ban gay marriage, and has done a lot to support female business owners, ethnic minorities, and people living with HIV and AIDS.

Who am I missing?

I’m actually a little disgusted that it required so much thought to come up with the names of ethical politicians in Orange County. We should have to concentrate to conjure up the names of the people that are doing a lousy job.

[O-Juice Blog]