Independence Day with a twist thanks to Craigslist is to the Internet as that old bulletin board covered with room-for-rent posters and guitarist-wanted ads in the middle of campus is to a University.

The only difference is that to post onto, as opposed to the real-word alternative, takes very little initiative. Just point, click, type type type, and you’re done. For that reason, posters tend to be a bit of the “slacker” variety.

That is why I was surprised to read the Orange County Register story this morning that details the great lengths that one OC entrepreneur and poster went to:

The advertisement offered an array of Independence Day fireworks outlawed in Orange County. But at least one response came from somebody intent on enforcing the law.

An undercover Costa Mesa police officer contacted the seller Wednesday and expressed interest in Roman candles, mortars, and bottle rockets.

Following a series of guarded instructions from the seller, the investigator uncovered more than 7,500 grams of illegal explosives imported from China in two homes in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach.

The best part of this article, however, was not the words. It was the photo that accompanied the piece:

Those crackers in the bottom right hand corner are huge! To post your own ads to get rid of illegal fireworks old furniture visit Orange County’s Craiglist:

[Orange County Register]