Orange County Blog Review

Here’s a list of what is going on at other Orange County Blogs:

  • Mike Randall at the MetrobloggingOC page posts about the scandal-ridden OC GOP. [Link]
  • Claudio Gallegos writes about how united Central Orange County Demcocrats are behind Solorio, Sanchez, and Correa. [Link]
  • July 1st-4th is the geekiest event held at the Anaheim Convention Center: The Anime Expo. Matt Coker posts about the upcoming event and his experience with an expo in the past. [Link]
  • Another Mike Randall post. This one is on his personal blog, and it’s a pretty good observation about a stupid “correction” made in the Orange County Register. [Link]
  • The Disney Blog links to photos and videos inside the recently updated Pirates Of The Caribbean ride. [Link]
  • The OC Blog claims that Councilman Harry Krebs is threatening to take “one of the coolest things about Garden Grove” away with his talk to ban fireworks in the city. [Link]
  • I’m excited to see more and more single-issue-blogs getting created by Orange County residents. The most recent find is “Greetings From Downtown Huntington Beach” which is a blog created to chronicle the attempt by the HB City Council to close Main Street to vehicle traffic.