Ryan Gene needs to take the Pringle approach

I was just browsing the net, and I decided to check out Ryan Gene’s webpage. Ryan was not challenged in the Republican primary for the 69th State Assembly District Seat, which represents Santa Ana, parts of Garden Grove, and parts of Anaheim.

Is June too early to make predictions for the November races? This one is just too easy.

Our friend Tom Umberg just lost in the primary for State Senate, but he’ll still be leaving the Assembly in December because of term limits, and I’m certain he’ll be giving his seat to Jose Solorio.

Republicans know that it’s going to be tough to take this seat back. If they thought that they had a chance against any of the Dems that ran, they would have put someone other than Ryan up. Ryan is a community college student that reminds me of Michael J. Fox in ‘Family Ties’ plus 2 feet and 20 pounds.

Ryan Gene’s website shows a picture of the serious and young looking Gene in his Oakley wrap-around glasses and bright orange tie. It’s a strong image, Ryan, but not the one that will woo voters in the 69th.

Gene needs to learn that the only way he’ll pull out a win in this district is by talking about issues that people around here care about, or by doing what Curt Pringle did to win this same seat: hire uniform guards to stand near polling places and to intimidate Latino voters.