I just came home from Proofs in Santa Ana. It was a pretty pathetic turn out…worse than a Frank Barbaro press conference.
I was glad to meet Demmother who has left a few comments here and there on our blog.
The results are trickling in.
My eye is on the Sheriff’s race where Carona looks to be pretty comfortable at 53% right now.
And the race to lose against Loretta in the 47th Congressional District shows my buddy Tan Nguyen with a lead against Rosie Avila.
If you want to know how your neighbors voted, go to the new mapping system over at the Registrar’s website. [link]
As if watching numbers slowly rise isn’t exciting enough, the registrar of voters is also streaming a live web cam of the voting machines getting shipped back to the Registrar’s office for counting. Live Web Cam!
[link via OCBlog]