Brian Joseph of the Orange County Register reported on the Total Buzz blog that another IE has jumped into the 34th Senate Primary fray. The group, Golden State Leadership Fund PAC has no reported contributors but has somehow come up with $48, 969.53 to back Lou Correa (or bash Tom Umberg).
Here is Brian’s Post.
A little extra help for Correa
Another independent committee has entered the Democratic primary for the 34th state Senate District, bringing the grand total to seven groups spending on advertisements praising Lou Correa (or bashing Tom Umberg).
The new group is something called the Golden State Leadership Fund, a PAC that was formed just this election cycle. It’s only recorded expenditures on the Secretary of State’s Web site are for campaign literature ($39,969.53) and phone banking ($8,000) for Correa — on May 31. No other information is available.
That got this reporter’s attention. But I just got off the phone with Golden State’s spokesman, Ron Wong of Pasadena, who says the committee also paid for mailers that went out in early May targeting decline to state voters in the Board of Equalization District 1. Wong says Golden State’s main goal is outreach to Asian voters and described Correa as a “friend” to the 34th Senate district’s Vietnamese community.
Here is a list of those making late independent expenditures on Correa’s behalf.
— Brian Joseph
That brings the total IE’s for Lou to more than $919,000.
Hey Lou, you are tainted by the smell of the slimy sources of your campaingn funds.
If you were a man of integrity you would repudiate the support of these groups that will stoop so low as to use unsubstantiated and out of context comments attributed to your opponents wife to support your campaign. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Of course you’re not, because you have no shame.
Robin Umberg sets the record straight regarding the misleading and despicable attacks made on behalf of Lou Correa.
To view the letter click here.