While LGBT issues are a major focus of my endorsement perspective, I also consider the support of candidates for issues affecting working families, reproductive freedom, and commitment to equality for all individuals regardless of gender, gender identity, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, and religious faith. I strive to consider the entire picture in my attempt to ascertain how effective a candidate will be in the office they seek. I would like to highlight a few of my recommendations this year.
Steve Westly for Governor
I believe that both Steve Westly and Phil Angelides are great on LGBT issues and qualified candidates for Governor. However, I have learned that Steve Westly has remained steadfast in his support for the LGBT community and the issues we care about. One significant example of Steve’s leadership and commitment is that when asked to sign on to a letter encouraging the Governor to sign AB 849, the Marriage Equality legislation, Steve Westly signed, Angelides did not. Further, at the State Democratic Convention, Steve Westly addressed LGBT eguality twice in his speach to the delegates. Phil Angelides did not mention anything at all about LGBT civil rights and equality.
Steve Westly is not just talking the talk about LGBT equality, he has followed through in his campaign and hired a significant number of LGBT individuals to work on his campaign, Angelides has hired only a token few.
But equally important, I believe that Steve Westly’s campaign is resonating with the voters and that makes Steve Westly the best candidate to oppose Governor Schwarzenegger in November. We believe that Steve Westly offers to all Californians a positive vision and progressive values making him the best choice for Governor and California’s future.
I am proud to join LBGT community leaders and Democratic Clubs in supporting Steve Westly for Governor. Visit Steve Westly’s website at Westly2006.com
Tom Umberg for Senate 34th District
Tom Umberg is the right choice for the 34th Senate seat. Assemblyman Umberg has demonstrated his effectiveness as a legislator and his commitment to public service by representing the needs of all his constituents.
In addition to his strong support for marriage equality demonstrated by his politically risky support for AB849 last year, Tom has brought needed funding to Orange County, and stands firmly in support of affordable healthcare, fully funded schools, and a livable minimum wage for all Californians.
Even when we haven’t agreed, Tom has always told me where he stands and has always been open to discussing those issues to find common ground. I am proud to be part of the coalition of LGBT, civil rights, labor, and business leaders who support Tom Umberg for Senate.
To help Tom Umberg call (714) 663-1654 or visit his website at UmbergforSenate.com.
Armando De La Libertad for 69th Assembly District
Armando de la Libertad in the 69th Assembly District is the clear people’s choice in this election. His message and support are derived from his work in the community of the 69th Assembly District. The overwhelming majority of Armando’s financial support has come from individual donors, while his opponents are funded by competing special interest groups. Among the monetary contributions received by De La Libertad, 93% were made by individuals, compared to 41% and 37% for Alvarez and Solorio respectively.
The bulk of contributions for Alvarez’s and Solorio’s campaigns came from political action committees and corporations. De la Libertad reports more contributions by individuals than both of his opponents combined.
The only special interest that Armando will represent is the people of the 69th Assembly District. That is good for the 69th Assembly District and good for the people of California.
To help Armando visit his website at ArmandoforAssembly.org.
Unacceptable Candidates
I do want to highlight as well that there are several candidates that I find to be not acceptable.
These Candidates are:
Supervisor, 4th District:
Supervisor, 2nd District:
34th State Senate
69th State Assembly
Claudia Alvarez NOT ACCEPTABLE
Please consider the Eleanor Roosevelt Stonewall Democrats recommendations and remember to VOTE on June 6th. Click Here
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