5 reasons not to vote for Tan Nguyen in the 47th Congressional race

1. Tan’s campaign has ignored education.

Loretta Sanchez has made education her top priority in Congress. Sanchez is a member of the House Education and Workforce Committee, and she knows about fighting to keep the federal government keeping its promises to the children of the 47th district.

2. Tan has little experience.

Both Avila and Sanchez have more experience than Tan Nguyen when it comes to governing people. Loretta Sanchez is the second highest ranking Democrat on the Homeland Security Committee, and she has worked to help secure our borders, protect our ports and make sure our roads and bridges are safe from terrorist attack.

3. You can’t trust Tan’s stance on issues.

Just a year ago, Tan was a Democrat running for congress. Now he’s a republican running that is using the “hot” issue of illegal immigration to get him into congress. Don’t waste your vote by giving it to a guy who just wants to be in congress, and doesn’t give a damn about the people of the 47th Congressional district.

I understand that people can change parties, but I like to vote for people that stand strong for what they believe in, and let their constituents know what it is they believe in.

4. Loretta Sanchez has done a wonderful job.

Whether it’s business and economic development, homeland security, law enforcement, or human right for Hispanics and women, Sanchez has a proven record for standing up for what the people of the 47th Congressional District have asked her to stand up for.

5. Tan is low on endorsements.

I usually don’t give too much attention to endorsements, but if a candidate has just about zero, that would make me a little curious. I’m not a fan of big career politicians supporting candidates, but when the California Coalition of Law Enforcement Association, the Santa Ana Police Officers Association, the Planned Parenthood of Orange County, the Orange County Professional Firefighters Association, the California Democratic Party and the California State Employees Association say that they would like me to vote for Loretta Sanchez, I’m going to take that into consideration.


  1. I agree that we don’t need career politicians…but I think that when you take a step back and look at all five of these items, you’ve got an ugly candidate.

  2. It seems to me that there is a direct correlation between education and our illegal immigration epidemic. If you rid the public schools of the people who are robbing American kids of their education, then you are addressing education. Are you aware that the costs of illegal immigration to the taxpayer are numerous, but the largest costs are education of their children, emergency medical care and incarceration for those arrested for crimes. I’m sorry for stating the obvious; I guess this makes me racist.

  3. Although some illegal aliens enter this country for a better life there are 6 billion people on this planet. At least 1 billion of those live on less than one dollar a day. If wanting a better life is a valid excuse to break the law and sneak into America, then let’s allow those one billion to come to America and we’ll turn the USA into a Third World nation overnight.

  4. I have kids in our suffering public school system, and they have also been in private schools. I have to bitch at them and push them to keep them getting A’s and B’s. I was lazy in school back in the 80’s…Kids are lazy.

    Put ’em in million dollar classroom, send back all the illegals, but you STILL have to push them as a parent.

  5. I waited nearly 10 years to come to this country. It makes me furious that these people who are here illegally are now demanding rights. This country is built on immigration, not illegal immigration. Tan is absolutely correct in making this his primary issue. Which candidate do you think is more qualified to handle this immigration problem? Go with Tan!

  6. So Mike, we should trust someone who took money from the same person who admitted to bribing William Jefferson? That right, Ms. Sanchez is as corrupt as the rest of them. No more Dirty Sanchez!!!!

  7. Loretta received legal contributions from the Jacksons. Prove to me that there is any bribing going on, and you will get me to say something bad about her. Until then, I still think she’s one million times better than a racist candidate that is out of touch with the constituents.

  8. The failure of the American education system at all levels has a lot to do with financial mismanagement rather than too many children of illegal immigrants. Fiscal responsibility is very difficult because it actually requires lots of thought and hard work which is something that people in government aren’t willing to do. If you think booting illegal immigrants will improve our educational system then you’re not racist; you’re an idiot. Go home, eat your McDonald’s, watch your reality TV, and vote for a candidate who’ll propose simple solutions to very complicated problems.

  9. The issue should not be about illegal immigrants and how it affects the community(that should be save for another discussion). It should be about ethical and professional conduct of political candidates. We need real leaders with real values representing the people. Next year, I am running!!!

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