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U.S. and Russia Sign Arms Reduction Treaty

April 13, 2010 0

Last week, President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a historic treaty to reduce nuclear arms between the two superpowers. Fringe commentators like Jack Kelly are already digging at his heels making the ludicrous claim that, “before he [Obama] drives us into bankruptcy, he might get us all killed.” However, some more reasonable Republicans have endorsed the measure.

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Cramer vs. Stewart

March 13, 2009 1

From The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Thursday night. The following videos are unedited and therefore there are no bleeps. The Daily Show With Jon […]

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The Palin Special Olympics

September 7, 2008 6

I know that our posts over the last few days have focused a great deal on McCain’s VP choice Sarah Palin. I promise we’ll find […]