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Clinton Makes the Call for Loretta

October 26, 2010 1

Our readers have reported receiving a recorded phone call from former President Bill Clinton reminding them to get out and vote on November 2nd, and vote to reelect Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez.

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Sanchez Campaign Launches New GOTV Ad featuring President Bill Clinton

October 22, 2010 1

“I am thrilled to have the support of President Clinton and my friends and neighbors in Orange County,” said Rep. Sanchez. “But that support is meaningless if we don’t turn out to vote on Election Day. On November 2nd, head to the polls to make sure your vote counts. And remember you can avoid the long lines on Election Day by voting early.”

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Van Tran – “I’m a child molester”

October 18, 2010 1

Political satirist Stephen Colbert has made an art out of interviewing members of congress and getting them to say things that can be taken out of context. Well, Assemblyman Van Tran didn’t need any help from Colbert to step into it during his debate with Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez Wednesday night. “I’m a child molester.” These were not four words any candidate ever wants to come out of his or her mouth.

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The Sanchez Clinton Rally

October 15, 2010 10

Nearly 1,000 people showed up to see Bill Clinton and Loretta Sanchez this afternoon at the Old Courthouse in downtown Santa Ana. Yes, it was important that right-thinking people be there in large numbers. Yes, it was important that self-respecting Democrats be there in large numbers. No question.

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Seems everyone wants to stand in the spotlight with Loretta and Bill

October 14, 2010 10

Over the past several days it seems that every elected democrat is claiming that they, along with Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (CA-47), are inviting people to attend a rally in Santa Ana. In some cases, they are making it look like they are hosting, or co-hosting, the event. The Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) sent out an email blast, announcing the rally, but they had the intellectual honesty not to claim it was their event.