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Diaz & Pulido, Two sides, Same Coin

September 21, 2010 6

On November 2nd, I truly hope the people of Santa Ana have a revolution at the ballot booth and boot Pulido from office. Then, and only then, will many of the South County and Hills Democrats open their eyes and see for themselves the real Pulido, a man more concerned with the perks of office and impressing his buddies in South County and The Hills than taking care of the people he was entrusted to care for.

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Who Can Save the Banana Republic?

January 21, 2010 10

What are everyone’s thoughts? As Gustavo asks, Who can save the Banana Republic? Who can bring change we Santa Ana residents can all believe in?

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Commissioner Removal Delayed

January 20, 2010 5

At last night’s Santa Ana City Council meeting, the Council voted to continue the issue of removing Jeff Dickman from the Historic Resources Commission for two weeks in order to request a resignation from him. Myself, Thomas Gordon and Mike Tardif spoke on the issue. I stressed that an explanation should be given and he should have been given the courtesy of being offered to resign. Apparently the Council listened for once.

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OC’s Scariest Bloggers

October 30, 2009 11

It’s time for All Hallow’s Eve and another rendition of OC’s Scariest Bloggers; this is an informal list we talk about at Drinking Liberally and […]