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Prop 8: What’s Really at Stake for the California Supreme Court

March 4, 2009 2

The primary legal issue at tomorrow’s hearing before the California Supreme Court on the same sex marriage Prop 8 case is the narrow and extremely arcane question whether Prop 8 is an amendment to the state constitution or a revision of the state constitution. But appellate cases – and especially high profile and controversial appellate cases — are rarely decided on such narrow and arcane questions of law, even though lawyers and judges must pretend that they are. What’s really at stake in the Prop 8 case – and what will probably be the real deciding factor in the California Supreme Court’s decision – is the power and prestige of the California Supreme Court itself.

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End California’s Hostage Crisis

February 19, 2009 0

On this morning’s radio talk shows, following the early morning passage of California’s budget, Democratic legislators have finally taken up the political fight against the Republicans and are urging revision of the state’s dysfunctional budget process. This is a budget the GOP can be proud of, because it’s a profoundly conservative budget. Because they hold a conservative veto over it. And they get the best of both worlds – they don’t have to vote for the budget en masse so they don’t have to own it. In short, the hijacking worked. This is the most important issue facing California – and it’s time for a change.

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The Real Argument on Prop. 8

October 17, 2008 36

(h/t to the Bilerico Project) The discussion for and against Proposition 8 has been sort of schitzophrenic. By that I mean they are at once […]

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Equality isn’t just PC or Mac

October 15, 2008 5

On Tuesday Jubal over at whined about the OC Register’s October 1st editorial opposing Proposition 8. Wow! it took him two weeks to come […]