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More ‘Pay to Play’ in Santa Ana – Michele Martinez in hot water over Station District vote

September 14, 2010 8

On June 7, 2010, Councilwoman Michele Martinez made the motion that paved the way for the continuation of the City’s stalled Station District Redevelopment Project. Mayor Pulido, Council members Alvarez and Sarmiento abstained from participating in discussions about, and voting on, the matter due to conflicts. In order for the project to move forward, all four remaining members of the Council had to vote in favor of moving the project forward. The resolution passed on a 4-0 vote.

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Bell-like Scandal Takes Toll on Mayor Pulido’s Elegant Santa Ana Reign

August 27, 2010 3

Santa Ana’s Mayor, Miguel Pulido, has been around a while. He was elected to the Santa Ana City Council in 1986 and as Mayor in 1994. One thing Pulido has learned very well is how to get whatever he can for himself out of the job. During his time as a member of the Council and Mayor, Pulido has managed to get himself appointed to numerous committees and commissions throughout the county. All of these committees compensate their members with a variety of per-diems, insurance, cars, car allowances.

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Sean Mill in his own words

August 18, 2010 6

Sean Mill  has an interesting post on the Orange Juice blog last night calling for a return to civility at Santa Ana city council meetings.  […]

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Santa Ana Council Meeting Tonight: Express Yourself!

May 3, 2010 5

It is my hope to be at tonight’s meeting to comment on the failures of the Council to follow the intent of the Brown Act in their conduct of the public comment portion of their meetings. I hope to see you there. Feel free to EXPRESS YOURSELF to your elected officials. Just remember to be respectful, not use profanity, and they are going to have to at a minimum hear you out.