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The Future of Voting in California

February 10, 2010 0

Kim Alexander, Executive Director of the California Voter Foundation, spoke in Sacramento Monday at a hearing held by Secretary of State Debra Bowen on the […]

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Four Obama Inspired Lessons for California Democrats – Part Two

February 26, 2009 0

Last week I wrote that the Obama campaign should serve as a master class in winning elections for Democrats, but, unfortunately, not enough California Democrats are playing attention to the Obama campaign’s most important lessons. We’ve dealt with the first two lessons — (1) Blame Republicans and Present a Democratic Solution, and (2) Use the Internet. The remaining two Obama inspired lessons are (3) Expand the Electorate, and (4) Champion the Middle Class. Let’s tackle them now.

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Who’s the Girlie-Man Now?

February 6, 2009 5

Back in July 2004, when the California legislature was 17 days late in voting on the state budget, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger mocked Democratic legislators by calling them“girlie-men.” But who’s the girlie-man now?