Press Conference Next Week to Expose Nancy Pelosi’s Drug Dealer

Jacob Wohl
Jacob Wohl

Somehow, we’re on the press list for failed press conference announcements of Jack Burkman and OC’s own Jacob Wohl (the guy banned from Twitter who says he goes to hipster coffee shops in Newport beach where young Democrats sing the praises of President Trump).

The pair announced a press conference for this week where they’d expose the drug dealer for Speaker of the Hosue Nancy Pelosi and promising she’d have to resign within seven days.  Bad weather moved the event to next week and they announced some surprise guests:

Kathy Griffin, Milo Yiannopoulos to join Burkman/Wohl’s Pelosi news conference 

Conservative activists Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl to be joined by a man who says he served as Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s personal drug dealer, supplying her with a constant cocktail of illicit narcotics, as well as a disgruntled former staffer 

Arlington, VA 

WHAT: A disgruntled former staffer and a longtime drug dealer will come forward to announce bombshell charges against the Speaker of the House.

WHEN: 2:30 EST, Monday, October 21, 2019

WHERE: The Center of Election 2020, 1599 N. Colonial Terrace Arlington, VA

MORE INFORMATION: Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl will bring forward a man who says that he was a drug dealer to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and many other members of congress including HPSCI Chair Adam Schiff, in addition to a disgruntled Pelosi staffer who will verify the claims.

The duo will also be joined by Milo Yiannopoulos and Kathy Griffin for the news conference.

The former staffer and dealer will present pictures, call records and many other articles of evidence showing that Speaker Pelosi purchased large quantities of Cocaine, Tramadol, Meridia, Chlorpromazine and Ketamine, among others.

Here’s the first announcement:

Conservative activists Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl to be joined by a man who says he served as Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s personal drug dealer, supplying her with a constant cocktail of illicit narcotics, as well as a disgruntled former staffer 

Conference was originally scheduled for Monday, but pushed back to accommodate the new witness

 “I promise this to the nation tonight: The Speaker will be forced to resign within seven days”-Burkman

 Arlington, VA

 WHAT: A disgruntled former staffer and a longtime drug dealer will come forward to announce bombshell charges against the Speaker of the House.

 WHEN: 2:30 EST, Thursday, October 17, 2019

 WHERE: The Center of Election 2020, 1599 N. Colonial Terrace Arlington, VA

 MORE INFORMATION: Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl will bring forward a man who says that he was a drug dealer to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and many other members of congress including HPSCI Chair Adam Schiff, in addition to a disgruntled Pelosi staffer who will verify the claims.

“The Speaker’s chickens have come home to roost,” said Burkman. “She has abused her staff for decades and now one courageous young woman has come forward to share her story. Without her we would have never met Pelosi’s dealer.”

The former staffer and dealer will present pictures, call records and many other articles of evidence showing that Speaker Pelosi purchased large quantities of Cocaine, Tramadol, Meridia, Chlorpromazine and Ketamine, among others.

“Speaker Pelosi takes at least eight Percocet a day. Partisanship aside, she is not fit to be third in line to the Presidency,” said Burkman. “Following our Thursday press conference, Leaders Hoyer and McCarthy must bring a resolution to the House floor which will promptly elect a new Speaker.”

Additionally, Burkman and Wohl will release text messages between the Speaker and her dealer prior to the news conference.

“This story will rock the Capitol as much as any in the last 25 years,” said Wohl. “Many members of Congress are abusing opiates and using/pressuring staffers to obtain them.”

Comedian Kathy Griffin had the announcement sent to her.  Here’s her Twitter feed.  Open it and scroll down.  Happy Friday!


1 Comment

  1. Amazing story, great reporting, and a great scoop. Hope you do not mind if I share it , my friend. I don’t mind telling you it gives me tremendous pleasure to read it, of course you know that.


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