Spicey Comes to OC @ Nixon Library

Like any profession, the public relations industry has it’s share of professionals who are good at their jobs and those who are bad at their jobs.  Former White House press secretary Sean Spicer is an example of the latter.

He’s in Orange County today to hype his memoir if his oh-so-brief time in the White House.  The reviews have been vicious.  And it’s easy to see why.  Spicer’s central premise of the book is “Trump can do no wrong.”  Spicer appears at the Nixon Library tonight at 7:30 p.m.

Media Matters documented Spicer’s lies back in early 2017; read the list here.

Spicer can count of conservative organizations to look past his credibility for new employment (as can Sarah Huckabee Sanders when she’s finally done).  And that’s a crying shame, because communications “professionals” like these shouldn’t be in the industry.

I’ll take Melissa McCarthy’s version of Sean Spicer anytime.