Ian MacDonald announces candidacy for Buena Park City Council District 2


BUENA PARK, CA – Times are changing in Buena Park, and our city needs a fresh, innovative voice to confidently – and finally – lead it into the 21st century. I am running for Buena Park City Council, District 2, because I believe we deserve a positive and effective representative who will address the needs of our diverse neighborhoods, now and for years to come — I am ready to bring this leadership to City Hall.

Growing up in a family of working-class Panamanian immigrants, Irish sheet metal workers, and Vietnamese refugees, I appreciate and embrace the cultural diversity that exists in our community. With my grandparents being veterans, I was taught that it is a privilege to be an American, and with my own personal experiences, I can more effectively serve our increasingly multicultural city and its residents.

I currently serve our community as Vice-Chair of our local school district’s bond Oversight Committee, where I supported a local hire agreement that guarantees priority to construction project jobs to Buena Park residents. In addition to being educated in environmental science and my work experience educating children with autism, I have volunteered extensively at the OCTA and CHOC Hospital.

As Councilman, I will work to bring innovative improvements to neighborhood parking, expand our city’s home improvement loan program, renegotiate utility rates, build mini-parks and renovate existing parks, implement policies to protect renters, combat the drug use epidemic by forming a local coalition, and protect our neighborhoods by addressing the homelessness crisis.

I am grateful to be endorsed by many Buena Park residents and public servants that include Buena Park Mayor Pro Tem Art Brown, Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva, School District Bond Oversight Chair Luis “Jerry” Flores, former High School District President Jordan Brandman, and current Elementary School District Trustees Elizabeth Gonzalez, Arturo Montez, and Connor Traut.

I ask for your support of my campaign to serve as your next City Council Member.



  1. Hilarious! The 21st century is already 17.5% over and this kid is going “lead” us into it?


  2. Orange County Republicans are still working on building that Bridge To The 12th Century.

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