Clueless Christina Shea Needs to Be Recalled in Irvine

Christina Shea
Christina Shea

From a post on, this comment; I’ve bolded some for emphasis.

, ·2h ago

From Christina Shea “Please come to the June 26 th Council meeting to share your support for an affordable plan for a Veterans Cemetery The B vote was a vote to stop development and traffic not to oppose the Strawberry cemetery site.people were so confused by the Agran scheme to confuse and harm our Veterans plan. He would rather us spend 80 million for a Veterans cemetery compared to a three year negotiated site actually for free…..His idea is insanity in my book ….why did Larry Agran spend 650 thousand dollars to defeat our Veterans plan for an affordable site …when so many people came together to support a great proposal like Strawberry Fields….? He can’t work toward agreement or compromise which isn’t what our City deserves I hope to see you on the 26 th to show your support for rationale decision making moving forward .”
Why can’t Christina Shea wrap her arms around the notion that Irvine voters by a 63% to 37% margin that’s held steady since Primary day recognize Irvine voters did not want to enrich a developer who offered pennies on the dollar?  Voters were not confused.  Voters want a Veteran’s cemetery at ARDA.  Construction would have begun last August with $30 million from the state that Shea and the council majority said “no thanks” to so let’s remind her that she said no to about $40 million in funding.
Emile Haddad was quoted in the OC Business Journal saying FivePoint sells land in Irvine for $5 million an acre.  So let’s double the estimate to clean up and remediate the ARDA site to $160 million — ARDA is worth $465 million to FivePoint undeveloped (if clean up is doubled).  $545 million if the estimate is used.  They are trading land assessed at $65 million and throwing in an extra $10 million to fund “phase one” which has never been defined and is not in the contract the city had.  Bring your calculator Ms. Shea.
Our sources say No on B spent about $100K on the campaign which went mostly to lawn signs and some advertising.  The Yes on B campaign outspent the No on B side by a factor of 15 or 20 to one.  I am not sure where she’s getting the $650,000 figure from — perhaps she’s confused because that’s a little more than FivePoint gave to the Yes on B campaign.
Shea is also a supporter of the bullet proof glass that will be added to City Council chambers to shield council members during meetings; Shea has cited death threats against her in the past.  Here’s an idea; make voters that serve the interests of the public over developers and perhaps you won’t get death threats.
Mayor Pro Tem Shea is out of touch with Irvine voters — again.  If she keeps placing the developers who fund her campaign ahead of voters, she needs to go.
Recall is a real possibility.

1 Comment

  1. “Shea is also a supporter of the bullet proof glass that will be added to City Council chambers to shield council members during meetings;”

    Santa Ana has entrance metal detector security screening for Council meetings.

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