Lee Fink elected to Tustin City Council

Tustin's Lee Fink
Tustin’s Lee Fink

Lee Fink has been elected to the Tustin City Council after overcoming an October surprise that was likely the worst day of his life.  District elections mean its neighbors electing neighbors and Fink has become such an important part of his Tustin district that voters looked past a May argument and propelled him to a win.

As my office is in Old Town, I’ve gotten to know Lee much better and I’m delighted with his victory.  He overcame some serious bad publicity and his opponent was endorsed by the OC Register (a paper that would endorse Satan over Jesus as long as Satan was a Republican).  We congratulate Fink on his win.

Here’s what he posted on Social Media:

Earlier this evening, I received a very gracious call from my opponent in this election, Tanner Douthit, who congratulated me on my election to the Tustin City Council. I told him how much I appreciated his call, and we made plans to get together in the near future to discuss what we can do to make Tustin a great place to live, shop, and work.
With that concession, I can safely say that I am honored and humbled to be elected to the Tustin City Council. I look forward to serving people of my hometown over the next four years as we work to build our community and preserve our history here in Tustin.
I want to thank you for your support. Some of you have been friends for decades, and some of you I just met in this campaign, and I appreciate all of your support. This campaign has been particularly challenging, and the results of the national elections are devastating to many of us. But winning elections gives us the opportunity to do the work that we believe needs to be done, and to advance the values that we hold dear. Over the coming weeks, I will be working to implement some of what I spoke about during the campaign—from small things like a creating a Community Troubleshooter and making it easier to register bikes to big efforts like a climate action plan and more affordable housing so our kids will be able to live here when they grow up.
In the meantime, it is always important to celebrate our victories, even as we face challenges to come. To that end, I want you to Save the Date for our Victory Celebration and Supporter Appreciation Event. We plan to hold that on Monday, December 2, 2024 at 6 PM, location TBA. Please look for more details in the coming days.
On December 3, at 7 PM, the City Council is tentatively scheduled to declare the results of the election and swear in the new members of the Council. The public is welcome to join.
Finally, we still have some campaign debt to pay off, so if you have been waiting to donate, it’s not too late!


    • Don’t just judge someone who had a bad hour one day in his life. Lee is a good man and will be an effective council member for the city of Tustin

      • His “moment” was terrible during a city council election. I feel his behavior unacceptable in any setting but he fails to address his behavior to his constituents. Especially as a family man his core as a parent was an utter failure. He was at someone else’s house as a guest and behaved like an entitled individual. He may or may not have issued an apology but I have yet to see it.

  1. He took endorsements from individuals that endorsed lying, racist Farrah Khan. He was obviously desperate.

    • Farrah is none of those things; you actually are. Please run for office in 2026 so your record would be fair game

  2. I ran briefly in 2006 against chuck devore. I don’t think you were here yet. And yes she is a lying racist. She doesn’t deny it. She can’t. It’s true. No one believes im a racist numbnuts.

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