Asian American Community Outraged Over Racist Attacks On Dave Min

photo courtesy: the Voice of OC
photo courtesy: the Voice of OC

“As Chair of ASPIRE PAC, I’m outraged by the racist attacks on Dave Min.” 
– U.S. Representative Grace Meng

“This vile attempt to cast doubt on Dave Min’s credibility by employing yellow-tinted photos and depicting him in a money suit is not only overtly racist but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes that have no place in our political discourse.”
-Asian American Action Fund Chair Albert Shen

IRVINE, CA —  Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) leaders are expressing outrage over a recent political mailer targeting Asian American State Senator Dave Min. The mailer, funded by a dark money PAC supporting Joanna Weiss, has drawn sharp criticism for its racist undertones and attempts to discredit Min’s integrity. The mailer’s use of a yellow tint over Min’s photo, coupled with baseless accusations of untrustworthiness, not only reeks of bigotry but also resurrects the vilest stereotypes from the annals of history. This insidious “Yellow Peril” rhetoric, perpetuated by Weiss’ PAC, seeks to portray Asian Americans as perpetual foreigners, unable to be trusted, and is reminiscent of the darkest chapters of discrimination in our nation’s past.

“As Chair of ASPIRE PAC, I’m outraged by the racist attacks on Dave Min,” said Congressmember Grace Meng, Chair of the Asian and Pacific Islander Congressional Caucus’ Political Action Committee ASPIRE PAC. “Using yellow-tinted photos and depicting him in a money suit is not just racist, it’s an insult to our community. These tactics will backfire with the 20% AAPI voters who live in his district. We stand against such bigotry and call for accountability. Dave Min deserves better, and so do we all.” 

This vile attempt to cast doubt on Dave Min’s credibility by employing yellow-tinted photos and depicting him in a money suit is not only overtly racist but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes that have no place in our political discourse,” said Asian American Action Fund Chair Albert Shen. “Let me be clear: these tactics are not only repugnant but also an affront to everything we stand for as Democrats and as decent human beings. We will not stand idly by while our communities are targeted and vilified.”

This is not the first time Weiss’ campaign has resorted to characterizing Min using harmful anti-Asian stereotypes, raising serious concerns about her ability to properly represent the sizable AAPI community in Orange County. In a letter published on January 29, 2024, members and leaders in the AAPI community in Orange County expressed frustration over Weiss’ campaign tactics, “we are tired of so-called allies in anti-racism resorting to the language of “othering” to discredit fellow Democrats.”

The letter emphasized the harmful effects of such rhetoric, which portrays Asians as “perpetual foreigners” and “inscrutable Orientals” who cannot be trusted. It underscored the historical context of such stereotypes, which have led to discriminatory laws like the Chinese Exclusion Act and the wrongful prosecution of Asian American scientists.

Min is endorsed by outgoing Rep. Katie Porter, as well as the California Democratic Party, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the National Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers, California Environmental Voters, and over 150 local, state, and federal officials. Min is the unanimous choice of organized labor in this race, as he is the only candidate to receive support from national, statewide, and local unions, and he is the only candidate endorsed in this race by the California Labor Federation or the AFL-CIO. A full endorsement list is available here.

California’s 47th is an open Congressional District in Orange County that includes the Cities of Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Newport Beach, and Seal Beach, and portions of Laguna Beach, Laguna Hills, and Laguna Woods. Incumbent Katie Porter is vacating the seat to run for U.S. Senate. In 2022, Porter defeated former Assemblymember Republican Scott Baugh by 3.44% in this “toss-up” district. State Senator Dave Min currently represents over 80% of Congressional District 47 in Sacramento. In 2020, Min received over 158,000 votes within CA-47, defeating incumbent John Moorlach by 5.15% in this area. 19% of the registered voters in CA-47 are of Asian and Pacific Islander descent, including one of the largest Korean-American populations in the country


        • Since Vern is on an editing kick on posts and comments, and I’m not sure if the Register has corrected his errors, here they are (highighted by * *):

          At this point, voters in the north county’s 40th *cngressional* district who are trying to pick a candidate that can beat Young Kim

          So (*missing comma*) Gov. Newsom appointed Joe Kerr to the Santa Ana *Regioal* Water Quality Control Board

          At first(*missing comma*) I thought he might be telling the truth about where he lived, and he seemed at least better than Doug Chaffee or Tim Shaw, so I offered to meet him and interview him at his new north county home.

          And this context error: “…but you don’t have much time to think about it before he tells you that Allyson “believes in chem-trails” and is therefore some kind of rightwing conspiracy nut. This should be beneath response, but here goes: Joe cherrypicked six words out of an answer chemical engineer Allyson was giving to a question about air traffic and fossil fuel pollution.” That mailer was an IE not coordinated with the campaign, so Joe didn’t cherrypick anything.

          • Vern is claiming the “editorial board” reached out to him because he is respected journalist. Greg should kick him down some of his Latuda for delusional thoughts.

            I am told the OCR never has done that. Somebody is lying.

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