Costa Mesa Democratic Club Candidate’s Forum Illuminates CA-47 Candidate Positions on Key Question

The Costa Mesa Democratic Club hosted CA-47 Congressional candidates State Senator Dave Min and WAVE co-founder Joanna Weiss for a candidate’s forum last week.  And during the Q&A, where the candidates were asked to raise their hands if they agreed with whatever question was asked, this one popped up:

“Would you support the Democratic candidate who wins the Primary in the November 2024 general election?”

Min raised his hand to signal yes.

Weiss did not.

TheLiberalOC spoke with at least 10 people who witnessed Weiss’s lack of agreement; they say the move was shocking and resulted in some tension in the room.  For some, it was a deal-maker for Mim and a deal-breaker for Weiss.  I’ve asked, “Is it possible she didn’t hear the question?”  The response from sources is “no, she heard it.”  TheLiberalOC has reached out to the Weiss campaign for an explanation. And she needs to explain this one.

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump won’t support a candidate other than himself, so the Weiss non-response is shocking given that no Democrat wants to see Republican Scott Baugh elected to Congress.  We have all supported candidates who didn’t make it in the primary; but once there’s a winner declared, Democrats rally around that candidate because we want to move forward.

To call this an error or a mistake seems to minimize the damage Weiss has done to her campaign.  This is a catastrophe.


  1. Scott Baugh would be a nightmare & a step backwards in the progress democrats have had in OC. I have a preferred candidate, but rest assured I’ll be supporting whichever Democrat wins the primary.

  2. Joanna Weiss may not understand that it will take everyone working together after the primary to win this seat in the 47th, of course she can make her choice of who she wants to support but unless we all work together, we are not going to win the seat. This is an unfortunate attitude in my view and will cause the Democrats to loose.Dave Min has a deep understanding of the political process here in OC, for a multitude of reasons he does understand that we have to all work together to win.

  3. Is no one going to mention the DPOC canceling their convention on account of scheduling it at a hotel under strike. Talk about boomerang effect.

  4. As for Joanna, if she was a qualified to lead the district on merits, she wouldn’t have to fudge her address and pretend she resides in the district she seeks to lead in DC. She doesn’t know how the sausage gets made there. DUI Dave won’t be in awe of his surroundings when he gets there or need to go on a sight seeing tour to show his constituents he is there.

    • I finally have an answer to the question about how moving to SJC “shortened” a commute for Weiss; that’s the ride to St. Margaret’s Private School. Aren’t the public schools in NPB among the best in the state?

    • What do Young Kim & Michelle Steel have in common? Neither live in their congressional district. Additionally, I thought Republicans were against cancel culture? You seem to really want to cancel Dave Min for making a mistake & being a human being. At least he was man enough to admit he was wrong & asked for forgiveness. Most in the GOP are self-righteous (like Trump) & think they owe no one an apology. I guess republicans are fine with canceling someone as long as they’re not a republican. Hypocrites!

  5. She was DOOMED the minute Diamond and Nelson promoted her candidacy, in a “anti-Isreal” post to boot. These guys are KRYPTONITE to candidates.

    But hey they are influential and popular (at the foodbank)

    • Whoever said Vern was a loser is a moron. Nelson who has advanced degrees and is in his early sixties is working a minimum wage job canvassing for Jessie Lopez in a city he doesn’t live in.

      A man in his sixties going door to door for $13 bucks and hour!

      Those are some real winners over there.

  6. I haven’t defamed anyone Chubby. Name one person I have defamed and how I defamed them. The truth shall set me free.

  7. If there can be two democratic clubs in Irvine, why can’t there be two democratic clubs for Orange County?

  8. Speaking of Dem clubs, I see Ada allowed Vern “Suck My C@ck” Nelson to serve as Anaheim Dem club VP.

    Oh what would in minivan he’ll and Jenna Beck say?

  9. Is this the junior high school comments section? No, they wouldn’t need to stoop to name calling to make their point.

  10. Face it chubby, if it wasn’t for a**holes Farrahkhan wouldn’t have many friends.

    Your deleting my messages and refusing to respond to them on proves my point that she has been exposed and compromised.

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